Digital Sales Training Blog

DM Training Blog

No matter what you're selling, you can always get better. Learn the sales insights, tips, and trends you need to know to improve your sales behavior and grow your pipeline.

Blog Feature

Digital Media Landscape | media salesperson | Sales Trends

The Future of Sales, Media & Digital Marketing [Expert Interview]

By: Digital Media Training
April 4th, 2019

Today companies interact with their customers across multiple channels – online, offline, via social media, etc.

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Blog Feature

Sales Tips | Sales Trends

3 Trends Shaking Up the Sales Landscape & Why It Matters

By: Molly D Protosow
June 21st, 2018

The sales and marketing landscape continues to change right in front of our very eyes. And with any type of change, you can either ride the wave or try to swim against the current. “Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” —Max McKeowni This quote emphasizes the very important point of understanding what it means to be agile and adaptable in the face of change. You can either cope with the change by simply doing the bare minimum or you can focus your mindset and energy on how to reinvent yourself. Every year, quarter, and possibly every month you have a new goal or target to hit. But if you aren’t continually staying up-to-date on the latest trends, how can you reach ever-rising goals? With the same humdrum tools, strategies, and skills you used last year? I think not! Let’s take a look at 3 trends, why they matter, and how you can start incorporating them into your daily activities and sales approach.

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3 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Sales Training

3 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Sales Training

The right sales training for your employees is integral to the success of your business. Before you invest, make sure you have all of the information you need to make a smart decision.