3 Ways to Close More Business with Existing Clients Blog Feature
Anna Adamczyk

By: Anna Adamczyk on September 24th, 2015

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3 Ways to Close More Business with Existing Clients

customers | Sales Tips | business

Sometimes salespeople have a tendency to make their jobs more difficult than they have to be.

Sellers can get too caught up looking for new opportunities and sometimes overlook the possibilities right in front of them. Getting more sales from existing clients and customers is one of the surest ways to grow your business, so why wouldn’t you start there?

Attract, convert, retain customers

Here are 3 ways to get more business from your current clients:

1. Go for the Biggest Possible Deal

As humans we can all get a bit impatient.

We wait for a little while and then get a bit scared, even panic, and try to do something so that whatever’s been stressing us gets resolved as quickly as possible.

Sales is no different. Most of the time sellers want to close a deal as soon as possible. That’s a great quality - but only when done right, with the proper thought behind it.

When you’re making a sale it’s important to think about the future opportunities that that specific account will create and not simply rush head first into closing the deal.

Will that company be somehow committed to buying from you next year? Will getting into this division of the company open doors to other departments that require your services?

Making sure you take the time to think about the account in broader terms than just the current opportunity will help you expand the possibilities for future business.

2. Remind them of the ROI

Your customers buy from you in order to somehow make their business better. Otherwise they wouldn’t bother wasting their time or money.

Maybe your company helps them save on energy costs or brings them new clients through the advertising they do with you.

Regardless, your product or service is somehow helping them. It’s important you know exactly why they bought from you and how you’re improving their business.

Reminding them of how you are saving, or better yet, making them money will help them understand their return on investment.

Working with them to help increase their ROI with your company will help you establish your company as their partner. They will be much more inclined to continue to do business with you when they see how you’re helping them maximize their profits and that  you’re invested in their success.

3. Maintain contact

When you close a deal, don’t lose touch with your contacts. Even though you might have an account management or customer service team that takes care of the finer details, keep the line of communication open.

Keeping up with changes happening in their business is essential for being ready for any new potential opportunities to expand on the deal you’re already doing with them.

Also, keeping them informed of any new offerings that your company may start to provide will help them keep you top of mind. It will also guarantee that they’re up-to-date on your latest products or services that they could take advantage of.

Continuing to prospect for new business is an extremely important part of sales, however knowing how to properly cultivate existing business into renewals is an equally necessary skill.

Thinking of the biggest possible deal, reminding them of the ROI, and maintaining contact are 3 of the simplest ways to help ensure you’re set up to continue selling to your existing clients.

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About Anna Adamczyk

Anna is a freelance writer for DMTraining. She creates exceptional content related to sales, marketing, and advertising. In her free time, she can be found reading, writing, running, and taking on a variety of new creative pursuits.

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