Digital Sales Training Blog

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No matter what you're selling, you can always get better. Learn the sales insights, tips, and trends you need to know to improve your sales behavior and grow your pipeline.

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selling | sellers | customer's perspective | Sales Tips | Sales Training | sales strategy | buying process | deals | reaction | Pipeline Management

How To Present A Proposal Over the Phone

By: Molly D Protosow
June 3rd, 2013

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Blog Feature

selling | sellers | Sales Tips | Sales Training | strategy | reaction | Objection Handling | Pipeline Management

Isn't It "Obvious?" (Part 1)

By: Molly D Protosow
April 19th, 2013

There are four reasons why I want you to ask the "obvious" question during an interview with a customer. The reasons are as follows: 1. Great stories. 2. The right questions. 3. Their perspective 4. Explanations. What's obvious to one person can be a source of oblivion to another. This is applicable to when a salesman meets a customer. Why? Because the salesperson works for one kind of a company, and the customer works for a completely different kind of a company in a completely different kind of a role. And so the two of them are not likely to agree on what "obvious" may be. They worry about asking an obvious question – as if there was a death penalty associated with it. I’ve spoken to 30,000 salespeople and none of them have ever told me that they were kicked out of an office for asking a too obvious of a question. But what sometimes happens – and many times does in fact happen – is that the obvious question triggers a story. So it’s not the question; it’s the story answer it produces. That’s the key concept. So what question is going to get you onto the very subject about how important solving their issues are and how you can help? How are you going to get into that conversation if you’re not talking about that subject? How are you going to get there if you’re not talking about some “obvious” question? Ask the right questions. You need to think about the world from the point-of-view of the person you’re meeting with. Imagine being in that kind of a company which makes money in a certain way and has organized itself with a certain go-to-market strategy. It is constructed in a unique way and has a certain kind of market share and they do things in a particular way. What questions can you ask will really get to the heart of the matter? Really get into the customer’s shoes, so to speak, and imagine the world from where they are and the only way to do that is to research. But once the thorough research is completed, you’re now able to ask the most important question. It’s as if you’ll be the "mirror" organization and this client was meeting his counterpart (you) and the two of you now completely understand each other. How can you solve your client's challenges? What is that one problem that is the trickiest of them all? This is the kind of question that you want to be asking: How is the client solving those "obvious" issues?

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3 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Sales Training

3 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Sales Training

The right sales training for your employees is integral to the success of your business. Before you invest, make sure you have all of the information you need to make a smart decision.